Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Gone till November..."-But Never Forgotten

I'm sad to announce that a highly respected figure in the Bed-Stuy community is leaving us to move on to bigger things to fulfill her destiny. Sallomazing! is making an exodus from the confines of BK, to spread her passion and wisdom to all those within earshot willing to hear her sincere words. It would be selfish of us to wish her to stay, but when a "tree" roots grows too big, you must replant it in fresh soil for it to continue to live. All I ask is that you reach out and wish her well on her journey and that when she does return, she brings back souvenirs of knowledge that we can all share. Tell her you miss her ALREADY via call or email (
And shame on you if you missed her going away dinner/party
(and no, it's NOT prison she's going away too).

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