Friday, January 30, 2009

"Gone Daddy Gone" -The Lost Art Of Fatherhood

I seriously spotted this in posted up in Harlem (yes, the Brooklyn kid was in Harlem for once) the other day. I wasn't sure weather to feel sad or grin wondering if it was a joke or not. If it's so true to it then this should be posted NATIONALLY! Even on a major billboard, not just in random spots Uptown. To whom ever came up with this ingenuous idea, kudos to ya. However keep in mind alot of Dads "lose" themselves, especially when they are missing out on the love and joy a kid can bring them. Plus there's alot of Dads folks wish that they had got"lost" too. Lol! If my dad was ever "lost" the REAL reward for me would be for him to sober up, get a real job and payback all of the missing child support money he owes me...Right? This is the Minority Report, and at was one to grow on.

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