Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Shoot At You Actors Like..." -Flash Mob Films Final Stills From"Prim" Shoot Set

WOWZERS! The feedback for our "straight to Internet" movie has been phenomenal! Now the challenge is to our do ourselves on the NEXT go round! But before we even get to the point let's just bask in the glory of the one that's circulating around now a lil' longer shall we? Here's a round up of the last few photos I had "laying around" that needed close attention before they get archived away. Peep the technique. Spike Lee called me to say "You guys take it from here! Ya'll are DOING IT for Brooklyn!" ...Then I woke up. LOL. Seriously though, I'm excited to see what next creatively we can do to take thangs up a notch. Anyone got a Canon 7D or Mark V II you can loan/give a brother? Think of it as charity for the arts. LMAO!

1 comment:

Rodney said...

I am mad excited to see this. Where can I? That is my painting in fram 7 and 8. Very cool to see it in this. Reach out to me if you want. rodney at rodney dash white dot com.


"Come Follow Me Into The Matrix"