Thursday, April 10, 2008

"God Spam It, What Now!"- the Minority Haters, Majority Lovers

It would appear that haters come in ALL mediums. I recently learned of this just this weekend when I attempted to do some weekend rough draft blogging and received an e-mail informing me that my blog (or rather your blog) has been flagged as a "Spam Blog" and that I would have to wait four business days to for a review to confirm I'm a "good guy." WHAT?!! Ummm, wouldn't it be just simpler to just READ the blog to figure it's not "spam." Do the folks at Blogger. com know how much important stuff can happen within four business days? How many read depend on blogs for their daily "sugar" fix? This is an outrage! This is worst than when Starbucks closed to four hours! We all know how crazy things got when THAT happened right? Well it's fixed now or you wouldn't be reading this now, whew that was extremely inconvenient. Thanks for being patience, and your continued support. And now on with the show...

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