please take heed and remember this man's face! You will be either waking up to it, or sitting across it, at some upper echelon eatery around town. Or watching it speed off as the Sun comes up. Cab services have his no. # memorized, and his landlord once called the Feds, assuming he was running a international brothel in BK! Entertained more nations on his arm, than the UN and White House COMBINED! But is only fluent in one language...MACKenese. And I'm taking lessons too lol. However, THIS Sunday, under a hotel (...figures), the legendary Chelsea Hotel, at the Star Lounge,
Mr. Lyshaan Hall aka "L.A. (time) ", aka "the Exec", aka "Mr. Get's It In", "the 1040 tax form Man" will be toasting to life...his OWN, for his B'day! And I'm inviting you to get a glimps of how this man lives, if you join us Sunday. Please don't show up late (like he usually does), space is limited, reserved for the exclusively sexy crowd. He only has a limited amount of "ruthies" to spread around ladies, so don't be shocked if you're not slumped over, riding shotgun, back to BK that night! EARLY!
Wake Up, Mr. Hall! the B'day Bash
the Star Lounge -W.23rd St. & 7th Ave.
(Under the Chelsea Hotel)
Sunday April 27th 10pm-4am
Absolutely FREE on him
Dress like it's YOUR B'day too
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