Thursday, July 3, 2008

"Flashing Lights" -Paparazzi Pics (Pt.61)

Not a month goes by where there isn't a really good Yume party going down. Heaven & Hell was just another one in the long list of events that they've been hosting. This time around Fresh Daily and Nola Darling made their Yume debut appearences there to prove that art STILL lives in Brooklyn. As planned, Mike P. finally got around to installing that much needed AC unit folks were whining about. But once it got packed in there it was like placing an ice cube on the sun...not cool at all (lol). We (the guys) were all hoping the heat would motivate the ladies to relieve themselfs of their clothes, but wishfully thinking got us no where that night. Then what made the room even HOTTER was the blazing performances by both acts that were fiyah! I tagged teamed up w/ Kwesi on the pics on this one. Check out these Heaven & Hell pics through our eyes.

1 comment: said...

like how the pix looked like a lineup

[albeit one with very hot & fashionable women]

"Come Follow Me Into The Matrix"