Can't wait to get your stubby little hands on that
NEW iPhone everybody's fiending for too huh? Well if you got hard ca$h on hand and your around the 32nd and 10th ave. area say around 10-ish, 11pm. You can cop one
EARLY! Just look for the truck that colorfully says
"Marty" on the side. Tap on the back door twice...then once...then twice again. When someone answers say,
"I've run out of Reese's pieces and I need to phone home, can you help a brother/sister out?" With that being said, then and only then will he present a brand new spanking 3G phone, to make you the envy of all your friends, hours before they cop theirs too.
thisblogsawthetruckorevenliveinNewYork.Good luck and enjoy your new phone till the 4G drops 2 months later (lol).
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