Friday, September 3, 2010

"the Age Of The Virgo Rising!" - the Virgin Chronicles

Don't get it twisted, the Virgo is a very sexy sign. It's also known to many as "the sign of the flirt." Many Virgo males prefer to remain bachelors and enjoy the attention of a wide circle of female admirers. Virgo men can be very discriminating. As lovers, they are fastidious and efficient, being sure to touch all the bases. They are very concerned about personal hygiene and contagious diseases of all kinds. A male Virgo lover can be sensitive, tender, and accommodating. When you soothe his nerves with attention to detail, he can reward you with an exquisite sensual experience.The Virgo man lives to work, but he doesn’t think of it as hard labor. It is his calling, a way of giving purpose to his life. That is why so many Virgos are picky about their work to the point of wanting absolute dominion over their efforts. Many Virgo men become experts at something and remain in control of their work world. The Virgo man is a BOSS & can be a perfectionist, hard to please, picky, but nevertheless you are being given an opportunity to participate in something extraordinary! He's really as good at what he does! His perfectionism can be catchy. However Virgo woman on the other hand...Well you'll just have to look them up on your own time. I'm too lazy to write right now. LOL!

Who you know that are Virgos too?
Jack black, Beyonce', Foxy Brown, Kobe Bryant, Warren Buffet, Dave Chappelle, Tim Burton, Ludacris, Pink, Guy Ritchie, Sean Connery, Regis Philbin, Mother Teresa, Yasser Arafat, Pee Wee Herman, Ingrid Bergman, Michael Jackson, Richard Gere, Rocky Marciano, Lilly Tomlin, Gloria Estefan, Terry Bradshaw, Charlie Sheen, Raquel Welch, Peter Sellers, Otis Redding, Michael Keaton, Arnold Palmer, Jose Feliciano, Brian Depalma, Jacqueline Bissett, Agatha Christie, Louis XIV, Lauren Bacall, John Ritter, Mickey Mouse, Jeremy Irons, Twiggy, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Sophia Loren, Stephen King, Bill THAT!

Two HUGE events honoring the Virgos you know and love, Invite them to:

Wed. Sept 8th

the GRAND OPENING of "EN' Joy"
Brooklyn's ONLY fashionable dinner parties!
@ EN (on the corner of Lafayette & Cumberland St.)
Fort Greene, Brooklyn
Music by the Block ('Frei, Trauma, & the M Report)
Hosted by the First Wives Club & the Block Association
Virgo birthday dinner party (Keith Lawrence, Free like 'frei)
Dress camera ready (no seriously!)

Fri. Sept 10th
The Block Association, Patty Laurent, Nitro, Dan Smalls,
John Vasquez, the Persaud Bros., & Roland Skinner present...
"Virgo's/Fashion Night Out!"
@ Room Service (35 E. 21st St. betwn. Park & B'way)
Ladies FREE, Men reduced on list only till 12am
Music by DJ Goldfinger & DJ Trauma w/Fred "the Animal"
Hosted by "the talented Mr. Silky"
Dress Grammy Style! Tux optional
After party for Calalilal of Brooklyn's Trunk Show
Happy Bithday: Keith "Major", Deffrei "Free like 'frei",
Nigel "Silky Valente'" Walker, Alanzo "Danny Ocean" Dale,
E the Drummer & all other respected Virgos! Salu'

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