I'm just thinking about how delicious that food is gonna be...no, seriously. Oh yeah, the girls look hot too, no question. And if the turn out is any thing like Sunday past, then I suggest you arrive the night before (lol). For this "Class Reunion" were switching things up and making at a "Family Reunion" this time around. Besides, Butch Diva hosting, Renee (of Sweetie), 718 Bodega, Yume, Nicole James, Casey (of heaVy), Keith (from MJGS), and the Stylistics Agency have all pitched in to bring out the masses! Also expect a live performance by Print w/ Good Day Good Night on that night too! And music of course by none other than Blackocaine of the Ahficianos. Here's all the rest you need to know.
"the FAMILY REUNION" -BBQ & Stylish Social
Frank White -936 Atlantic Ave.
Food & Drinks served
Massages $5 (5 mins) $10 (10 mins)
RSVP: theMreport@gmail.com
10pm-Until Popo come
$5 dollar donation @ door
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